We are currently accepting applications for our 2024 cohort.
In the meantime, you can familiarize yourself with the preparation materials below.
We ask that you please begin to familiarize yourself with the computer programs that will be used throughout the duration of the training. You will need a personal computer with internet access in order to participate, though funds are available to support the purchase of data credit to facilitate your participation. If you do not have access to a computer, please email Cara Brook at [email protected] immediately to find a solution.
Once you have selected a computer for use for the workshop, please be sure that the following programs are installed and working:
After you have installed R and R studio on your computer, please begin to work through the four tutorials (ZIP download). All of them are extensively annotated with directions. If you have any problems loading and/or the software, please let us know immediately. We expect you to be familiar with all material presented in these tutorials prior to the first meeting on June 13.
If you are struggling with the installation and/or introductory tutorials, you can find additional instruction at W3 Schools - R Introduction ↗. Please review the material as needed.
We will hold open office hours on Friday, June 10 for anyone who is struggling with installation and/or programming.
Once you have R and RStudio installed and have completed the linked tutorials, please install the following required packages for C4C by copying and pasting the following SINGLE command into your R console:
install.packages(c("arm", "asnipe", "colorRamps", "deSolve", "dplyr", "ergm", "ggplot2", "googleway", "igraph", "installr", "lattice", "leaflet", "lme4", "maps", "maptools", "MASS", "Matrix", "minqa", "mgcv", "network", "nlme", "plyr", "raster", "Rcpp", "reshape", "reshape2", "rgdal", "rgeos", "sp", "survival", "tnet", "unmarked"))
If you have any difficulty completing this installation, please reach out for help on our June 10 open office hours day.
In addition to the above tutorials, we ask that you prepare one powerpoint slide (saved in PDF format) summarizing your research prior to your arrival to C4C. Please be prepared to present your slide to the rest of the class in a short, 2-minute oral presentation on zoom on Monday, June 13.
On this slide, please summarize (a) your overall research question, (b) the dataset you presented in your application abstract, (c) your plan for analysis, and (d) the areas in which you are most eager to receive help and feedback in the upcoming year.
We recommend including 1-2 visual aids (e.g. figures or diagrams) that will help you explain key aspects of the research. Please keep the text on your slide to a minimum. Do not attempt to explain all of the details of your project – stick to the essentials and keep it simple. You will be kept to time.
To speed up progress on the presentation day, we will collect slides in advance and share from a common computer, while you present. We ask that you please submit the PDF version of your slide here ↗ by midnight on Friday, June 10 in advance of arrival to the workshop.
Please use the following naming convention upon submission: “C4C_2022_Prep_Slide_LastName_FirstName.pdf”
We will communicate primarily via the C4C Slack Team (we will add you soon)! You can sign up here and request an account, or please see your email for a formal invitation. Please reach out if you have any difficulties getting the program up and running.